Evergreen Marketing Methods That Still Work Today
Author: Poppy Williams, poppy@techbizguide.com
The increased amount of time people spend on their phones has changed how businesses spend their marketing budget. In the U.S., 72% of people spend upwards of 3 hours each day on their phones for work and social activities according to Statista. Marketing budgets for traditional channels, such as flyers, billboards, and paid mass media, have been slashed and redirected to social media ads and email marketing. However, as Keystone Business Brokers explains, marketing methods from decades ago still deliver a sizable return on investment (ROI) and pair well with more recent channels.
Physical coupons sent directly to customers via mail were a major thing years ago. They were a great way to keep customers coming to your physical store. Coupons have since evolved with digital coupons booming with e-commerce. They remain reliable in retaining and acquiring new customers. You can pair them with email marketing to reduce customer churn. For instance, you may entice customers who have not renewed subscriptions or not visited your website for a while to come back using coupons.
It may surprise you, but postcards are still an excellent way to market your products. On the downside, you need to pay for postage upfront and curate a mailing list. On the upside, Central Mailing Services notes that people are more likely to read physical mail than emails. This method works because 98% of people bring their physical mail into the house the day it comes. Meanwhile, 77% of those people sort and read their mail within 30 minutes of receiving it.
Business Cards
Today, it’s possible to create and share your e-business card with a phone app. However, you should still carry physical business cards with you to share with new leads. Physical business cards leave people with something tangible to remember you by. You can easily design your own business cards using free templates available online. The templates are usually customizable, allowing you to add your own text, images, font, and color schemes.
Working with Professionals
You may prefer working with professionals to help create high-quality postcards, coupons, customized emails, and social media posts. Often, entrepreneurs know what results they want but need professional web designers, graphic designers, and marketers to help with proper execution. For instance, the entrepreneur knows the brand’s story, but marketers will help tell it correctly through brand campaigns.
During discussions with these professionals, share images you have been working on with them. If these images are in JPG format, you can compress them to send them via email, but this will lead to a loss in quality. The correct alternative is to convert the JPG files into PDF format. In fact, you can convert multiple JPG files into a single PDF file for easier sharing.
Choosing the Correct Channels
Today’s marketers face a tough dilemma when deciding which resources to allocate to different marketing methods, including social media platforms. An affordable and efficient way to experiment is to get started with a Facebook ad template to fast-track publishing an ad that directs customers to your website or generates an email or phone call.
One solution for choosing the best channels is to monitor the source of your current customers. This is why companies conduct surveys on new customers to ask where they first heard about the company. When running an e-commerce website, tools such as Google Analytics will break down your traffic sources by website and country.
Be Objective with Marketing Channel Choices
As a business leader, you have to be bold and objective in the marketing channels you use. Futuristic channels are not always better. Some marketing methods may have been around for a while, but they may still be great for your niche. Try these marketing methods to see which ones work best for your business.
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