How an Effective Marketing Mix can Increase Profits 
(Part 3, Place & Promotion)

How an Effective Marketing Mix can Increase Profits 
(Part 3, Place & Promotion)

In this third segment of the four P’s of marketing, we will cover place and promotion. These two segments are intertwined and should be covered in one blog post.

The place is where your sales are located, also known as the channels of distributionPromotion includes selling, advertising, sales promotion, and public relations.

During these chaotic times, businesses are exploring new channels to sell their products and services. Governors are reimposing the stricter guidelines that were in effect a few months ago. This pandemic will be with us for several more months and businesses will have to adapt and overcome these conditions.

Depending on your type of business you may need different tactics to distribute and promote your product or services. If you are a B2B (business to business) supplier your strategy will require a different approach than B2C (business to consumer) sellers.

B2B distribution in most cases is not done from a retail location. The driving force has been personal selling which is becoming more difficult. Customers and prospects are not receptive to cold calls in this climate. A customer service center with knowledgeable personnel who can sell will be more effective. You should have a website that customers can go to review your product-line, and established customers can place reorders. The most effective way to have potential buyers go to your website is by email promotions. If you don’t have email addresses you can purchase lists online at a low cost. Unlike B2C you have a finite universe to sell to that can be managed with direct marketing. Trade associations that your customers may be members of are a great place to start. You can advertise in their publications or be a guest speaker at one of their events.

B2C sellers whom many have brick-and-mortar locations may have to reevaluate how they will conduct business to survive. Retailers should consider using social media to promote their wares. There is a void forming in the marketplace, the big chains are closing stores and some like Lord & Taylor are going out of business. https://moneywise.com/a/chains-closing-the-most-stores-in-2020

Aggressive retailers can use this as an opportunity to fill this vacuum. Marlton True Value is an example of a local retailer who is flourishing. They have a knowledgeable staff who are there to answer questions. The pricing is competitive, a complete selection of products, a convenient location in a strip center, and curbside pickup. This is an example of why shoppers don’t go to big box stores.

In closing, we are all creatures of habit, and some businesses are thriving, because they have revised their business model. These changes may include pickup and delivery options that make life more convenient.





How an Effective Marketing Mix can Increase Profits (Part 2, Pricing)

How an Effective Marketing Mix can Increase Profits
(Part 2, Pricing)

In my last blog post, we covered the 4 Ps of marketing also known as the marketing mix, and how these four basic concepts can be used as a foundation for your marketing program. Also, that blog post was an explanation of the first P which is the Product. In this post, we will cover the importance of Pricing your goods and services.

Price is what your customer is willing to pay for the product. Many businesses work on a cost-plus mark-up to determine their selling price. This is very common in retailing, adjusting the price to meet competition or discounting, and increasing sales volume while creating an image of lower prices.

Companies that offer services with a product have more latitude in adjusting their pricing by offering superior performance. An example of this happened to me recently when I contacted painters for my home renovation. The individual that I hired had the highest price quote, but he sold me on the quality of the paint and went into detail explaining what he was going to do. He described the preparation of the surface, the types of paint used, and the results I could expect.

There is a psychology in pricing which is used to create an impression of a lower price by ending with 99 cents. A price of $5.99 appears cheaper than a selling price of $6.00. Upscale restaurants use a whole number such as $29 with no zeros to convey the image of an affordable price.

In my former career in manufacturing, we were able to increase profit margins by streamlining our product line. This increased the turnover of parts and raw materials leading to a higher turnover of inventory. Another contributing ingredient was that we increased our purchase quantities of the faster moving materials which increased our discounts from suppliers. The selling prices were never lowered and the net result was a very high gross margin of profit.

If you have any questions, please contact me at nick@kbizbrokers.com


How an Effective Marketing Mix can Increase Profits (Part 1, The Product)

The term marketing seems to have a different meaning for different business people. These days most of the marketing we hear about is social media and others think of it as a way of pushing a product onto a consumer. True marketing is an amalgamation of several social

sciences which include economics, psychology, sociology, political science, human geography, and demography. The fusion of all these disciplines has created a method for entrepreneurs to satisfy their customers’ needs and wants while increasing their profits.

As I’ve stated many times in previous blog posts we are currently in a difficult time for businesses to stay afloat. As we enter the fall season it is predicted that the COVID-19 virus will spike and we should expect government regulations to tighten. Now is the time to predetermine your strategy in anticipation and have a plan to implement.

The Marketing Mix also referred to as 4Ps of Marketing is the model that is used as building blocks for a companies strategy. The four components are Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. In this posting, we will cover the Product and in future posts Place, Price and Promotion will be discussed.

The term product in marketing represents a physical object, service, or item bundled with a service. The products that you are supplying to your target market fit their needs. Facts to consider are demographics that include gender, age, race, marital status, and discretionary income.

The best way to know what your customers want is to do some marketing research. You can start with secondary research available online from government websites sba.gov fedstats.gov and factfinder2.census.gov. Trade groups maintain statistics about trends in marketing.

If you want to refine the data from secondary sources you can conduct your primary research. The best way to start is to form a focus group of 6 to 12 customers that represent your target market and ask them open-ended questions. From this data you can develop a survey questionnaire that can be used online by going to SurveyMonkey.com or SurveyGizmo.com, both offer free options.

In closing, there is the 80/20 rule in product marketing and that is 80% of your sales come from 20% of your product line. For decades the mantra in manufacturing has been product line extension. When a company has a successful product they expand their line by introducing additional commodity variations of flavors, sizes, colors, budget, and luxury models. Now is the time for small businesses to cut back your selection to the fastest moving items.

If you have any questions, please contact me at nick@kbizbrokers.com


iPhone or iPad Apps alongside Windows 10 on Your PC and Chromebook

iPhone or iPad Apps alongside Windows 10 on Your PC and Chromebook

The one complaint that I’ve heard from various individuals who use their computers for business is the various incompatible operating systems, the Mac OS/IOS, Windows 10, and Chrome. Fortunately, the producers of these different operating systems are working on ways for users to access them on various platforms.

The biggest problem seems to be that most business users have MS windows in their offices, they carry Apple iPhones and iPads with them. Unfortunately, you have different programs on your computers and mobile devices.   In a previous blog post, I explained how to download Microsoft products to your various Apple devises. It seems that Microsoft has reciprocated and now has apps for iCloud, which gives you access Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Photos, Notes, Reminders, iCloud Drive, as well as Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.  You now have the ability to use Apple Apps on your PC and Chromebook and as I mentioned a month ago you can download OneDrive and MS365 which are cloud-based programs on your iPhone and iPad.  

Set up iCloud for Windows  

(Instructions downloaded from https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201391) 

1. Download iCloud for Windows on your PC.

Windows 10: Go to the Microsoft Store to download iCloud for Windows.

Earlier versions of Windows*: Download iCloud for Windows from apple.com.

If it doesn’t install automatically, go to File Explorer and open iCloud Setup.

2. Restart your computer.

3. Make sure iCloud for Windows is open. If it doesn’t open automatically, go to Start, open Apps or Programs, and open iCloud for Windows.

4. Enter your Apple ID to sign in to iCloud.

5. Choose the features and content that you want to keep up to date across your devices.

How to make your cheap Chromebook look and feel like a high-priced MacBook

Last week while searching the internet I found an interesting article on Macworld titled “How to make your cheap Chromebook look and feel like a high-priced MacBook.” I was able to take my $250.00 Chromebook and with adjustments such as creating an iCloud app on the Dock which is called a shelf on a Chromebook, and get direct access to all my Apple programs and files  . Also, to make it feel like a MacBook the trackpad scrolling can be reversed to match IOS used on Apple mobile devices.

It may not be a MacBook, but in addition to all the apps already mentioned in this article, you can access Apple Music and Apple TV subscriptions.  

If you would like more information about accessing iCloud, MS OneDrive, or Google Chrome from all your devices, please send me an email, and I will help you. nick@kbizbrokers.com.


Old School Marketing Techniques

Old School Marketing Techniques

During a meeting recently I discussed with a business owner about possible ways of marketing his company. I sensed from our conversation that he was not fond of computers or the internet. Therefore, I did not suggest any digital marketing media such as websites, blogs, or social media. My suggestions were to use time-tested old school techniques that were effective before the internet and are still viable.  

Community Involvement….create a public persona

Get involved with the community by joining the Chamber of Commerce or Rotary. These organizations will help you get connected with the local community. You can participate in charity fundraising events, donate your time and services, or do public speaking engagements that demonstrate your expertise in your field.

Mail/eMail Marketing….promotional media

Mail/email marketing is a strategy to connect with customers and prospects. You can use mail/email to send out routine information like reminders, but you can also use mail/email to send out marketing materials such as newsletters 

Newsletters….drive sales

Newsletters are a means of keeping your customers informed. Your weekly newsletter may include news articles, current trends in your industry, to special offers with limited time. People tend to be influenced into making purchases when there is a deadline. Giving out tips is a technique of reassuring customers that you care about their well-being, even when they don’t currently patronize your business. Weekly newsletters create familiarity with your company and, build trust. The newsletter can be the helm that steers your customer to your company’s website and social media sites. 

Attending Fairs….meet and greet

Attending community, and small business fairs will create public awareness of your business. This gives potential new customers a chance to sample your products and services. It could be something as simple as a product sample or service demonstration.  


The Future of Business Computing is Microsoft 365

Recently, I’ve been perturbed by the different computer ecosystems that I own. I have an iMac (MOS), iPhone/iPad (IOS), ChromeBook (Android) and at work, we use Windows 7 & 10. Twelve years ago when I was in academia teaching marketing, I switched from a PC to a Mac which suited my needs at that time, and as the iPod, iPhone and iPad became popular the advantage was that all of my devices were compatible.

About three years ago I purchased a Chromebook because it was light easy to carry, inexpensive. This is a net-computer which stores all the files in the cloud. Another reason for acquiring this device was to learn more about cloud computing which is predicated by 2025 to store 80% of all business files.

Last fall, I joined Keystone Business Brokers which have Windows 7 & 10 in their offices, another non-compatible system which I’ve had to re-familiarize myself using.

Before I go further let me say that I love my Mac and mobile devices. The operating system is smooth, intuitive, and creative apps such as Photos, iMovie, GarageBand are perfect for creating marketing projects.

For business, I need compatibility for all devices and I found it with Microsoft 365. The six main programs that I’ll be using are Word, Excel. PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive.

Microsoft 365 is a subscription service with prices starting at $6.99 a month and higher depending on the additional services and apps added. MS 365 will allow me to collaborate online with my colleagues which is an essential feature during the “new normal.”

In summary, Microsoft has the most widely used line of office programs that can be accessed from any operating system. It allows individuals at different locations to work jointly on projects.



Surviving in the New Normal: Formulate a New Business Model

Surviving in the New Normal: Formulate a New Business Model

Small businesses are struggling to survive the current pandemic, many businesses have closed and will never reopen, others are on life-support. Trying to stay afloat during these times is only prolonging the inevitable which is insolvency. Business owners must become proactive, and take an analytical approach to reinvent their business to be competitive and Profitable.

We are in the fifth month of this pandemic and it appears that the crises are not abating, but escalating. It’s up to each business person to look into their company to implement a strategic plan to become solvent during these uncertain times.

The SWOT analysis is an acronym for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. The four categories are divided into two groups internal and external. This is a way of examining your company’s position in the marketplace.

Strengths, write a description of what traits your company has proficiency making them stand out against competitors.

Weaknesses, what are areas of your business that need improvement.

Opportunities, external circumstances offer an opening to advance the company’s position in the marketplace. Examples are new technology, new relationships, filling a void in the market.

Threats, the environmental factors that are out of your control, but you have to find solutions and deal with them.

After addressing the above categories the analyst should determine how to address these four elements and strategize a plan to move the organization forward.


                                            Sample SWOT Analysis



Strengths +

  • unique products
  • competitive pricing
  • qualified staff

Weaknesses –

  • distribution system
  • overhead costs
  • cash flow



Opportunities +

  • exploit market gaps,
  • streamline product line
  • capitalize a strong niche

Threats –

  • shrinking demographics
  • economy
  • social norms
  • government regulations

Once you have completed the SWOT analysis you can navigate your enterprise to a more profitable position. In some instances, owners and managers have ascertained areas that should be scaled back and niches that they could expand, and capture more market share.

There are several free and inexpensive programs on the internet available.

CNET offers downloads @ https://download.cnet.com/s/swot/.


Effective Email Commerce to Increase your Business

Productive marketing communications is a key element for a business owner to expand their reach into the marketplace. There are many mediums that marketers can use to inform customers, prospective customers of new products, services, and discounts available to them. In this blog post, I will be discussing email.

Email is a cost-effective way for business to get their message out to their audience. Before the advent of the internet and email, businesses used direct mail to reach their customers and many still use this costly method. Email used is to find new customers, maintain an interest from existing customers, and introduce new offerings.

Direct mail marketing first made an appearance 1681 in the American colonies by the founder of Pennsylvania William Penn. Penn published a flyer which stimulated many northern Europeans to settle in Penn’s Woods.

Just like any other type of media advertising email should follow the same format for results.
Must touch people that read it. (30% Read)
Short & Cleaver / Affect Emotions (laugh, angry, curious, think)

Use to break up your copy to make it more interesting

Body (Copy)

Follow the headline – create visual continuity

Compelling, persuasive, clear, precise
Two strong points, two columns, justify
Serif Typeface …. easy to read

Image (Visual) (70% Look)
Photo, Drawing, Graphic
Draws attention to the ad
I/2 your ad when possible
People relate to realistic photographs

Call to Action
$5.00 off any purchase of
$25.00 or more
Offer Expires on August 15, 2020
Contact Information
Address, Phone #, Website, Logo
Offer  Placement

Before sending emails you need to create a list of email addresses that should be segmented by groups. Your core customers are your primary audience, by keeping them informed you create loyalty and increase sales. The next segment is your target market, these are prospects you want to raise awareness and engage them into becoming customers. Most platforms give you feedback as to which emails have not been opened. If you continue to send them emails they will consider your communications as junk mail and you will alienate them. You could follow-up and send them a personal email asking why they did not read your emails.

As I have stated in previous posts I prefer to discuss products that I’m familiar with using. At this time at Keystone Business Brokers, we are implementing an email program to reach out to clients and prospects. There are at least 20 email platforms with varying features and for our specific use we are reviewing several providers and we expect to be operational within the next two weeks. If you would like to receive our emails with our current listings of businesses available please send your email address to nick@kbizbrokers.com


Now is the Time to Implement Web Conferencing

Now is the Time to Implement Web Conferencing

With the recent spike in COVID-19, the states are regressing into the stricter quarantine. Business owners need to adapt to the so-called new normal by adopting and using the technology available. Communication with stakeholders which include employees, customers, and suppliers is imperative.

Web conferencing offers the ability for internal teams to work together and discuss strategy face-to-face in real-time regardless of their locations. Businesses no longer have to be encumbered by different geographical locations necessitating travel time and expenses. Web conferencing can best be described as an online tool for parties from varied locations to collaborate. The cloud-based software can be used for mass communications reaching large audiences by using the platforms hosting features such as webinars (seminars) and webcasts (broadcasts).

If you’re new to web conferencing I suggest you consider starting with either Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Zoom is very popular at this time and I just installed it on both my iMac and Chromebook. Most businesses use the Microsoft Office suite (MS 365) may find MS Teams compatible with your software making the learning curve easier.

Zoom Meetings (zoom.com) (descriptions from Zoom website)
Some of the most exciting features of Zoom meetings include:

Easy adoption with WebRTC technology
Join from anywhere on any device
Access robust security solutions throughout
Built-in tools for screen sharing
HD video and audio calls
Support for up to 1,000 video participants and 49 videos
Meet securely with role-based user permissions
Streamlined calendaring services with Outlook and Google
Built-in recording and transcripts
Team chat both for groups and one-on-one messaging
Access to extra features like webinars, chat, and phone

Microsoft Teams (teams.microsoft.com) (descriptions from Microsoft website)
Work remotely and securely with online meetings.

Online meetings

Host audio, video, and web conferences with anyone. Get features such as scheduling assistance, meeting note-taking, screen sharing, meeting recording, and instant messaging.
Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/business-insights-ideas/resources/6-ways-to-make-virtual-meetings-more-efficient.

Live events

Hold any meeting live—large meetings, webinars, company-wide events, and presentations with up to 10,000 attendees inside or outside your organization—with Teams live events.

Live events link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/live-on-demand-event-solutions

Large meetings link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/business-insights-ideas/resources/are-you-ready-to-host-large-scale-virtual-presentations

Audio conferencing

Let people join meetings on the go with a global dial-in number or contact each other directly. All they need is a mobile device and Teams.

Plans and pricing link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/online-meeting#customerstoryregion2

Meeting devices

Start Teams meetings with one-touch join on Microsoft Teams Rooms devices from our certified partners Logitech, Xrestron, Polycom, Lenovo, HP, Yealink.

Devices link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/across-devices

If you have any questions or comments about this post please send me an email at nick@kbizbrokers.com


Revolutionizing Entrepreneurial Technology in the Cloud

Revolutionizing Entrepreneurial Technology in the Cloud

The current pandemic has accelerated the transition of small businesses to online cloud computing. Microsoft reported that due to the surge in usage of their cloud service that they have focused their efforts on meeting the demand. Other software producers are emphasizing publishing cloud-based programs which they believe to be the future of technology.

There are many benefits to cloud computing. Cloud-based servers, storage, and software can be accessed from any computer or mobile device. Your team can collaborate from their devices at various locations.

Salesforce.com a cloud service provider of customer resource management (CRM) software lists 12 advantages of cloud computing.

1. Cost Savings: Easy access to your data will save time and money. It’s a pay-as-you-go system, paying for only the services and storage you use. These factors lower costs and increase ROI.

2. Security: Users have said that the powerful encryption used by cloud services makes it very difficult for hackers to access.

3. Flexibility: Cloud services can quickly meet the demands of your business without spending money on expensive and complex updates to your computer system.

4. Mobility: Staff, freelancers, and customers can access information from various locations which are updated immediately.

5. Insight: Data is money, cloud-based storage offers analytics helping you to produce customized reports thus allowing you to create strategic plans.

6. Increased Collaboration: Team members can view information and work jointly on projects.

7. Quality Control: Single format for documents and single location storage. Data will be consistent with explicit details of corrections and amendments.

8. Disaster Recovery: “Cloud-based servers provide quick data recovery for all kinds of emergency scenarios.”

9. Loss Prevention: Data on PCs can be permanently lost through malfunctions, aging hardware, errors, or theft of a laptop.

10. Automatic Software Updates: No need to take time to update software patches or to pay for the new version. Cloud storage is safe and easily accessible.

11. Competitive Edge: “A Verizon study showed that 77% of businesses feel that cloud technology gives them a competitive advantage.”

12. Sustainability: Cuts town on paper waste, improved energy efficiency due to a reduction in commuting.

If you’re planning to transition to the cloud you should do it incrementally and I suggest you start with Microsoft Cloud 368. This is a compressive package offering all the basic programs. It’s estimated that over 90% of businesses use MS office software making the transformation easy.

Microsoft 365 is the productivity cloud that brings together best-in-class Office apps with powerful cloud services, device management, and advanced security.
The MS 365 package includes all of the following Cloud versions of the MS Office suite.

Word, a full-featured writing tool including spell and grammar check.

Excel, a spreadsheet program that is used for data storage, organizing, and extrapolating data.

Powerpoint, designed to create electronic presentations consisting of a series of separate pages or slides.

OneNote is a program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It gathers users’ notes, drawings, screen clippings, and audio commentaries.

OneDrive is a file hosting service and synchronization service.

Outlook is a personal information manager web app from Microsoft consisting of webmail, calendar, contacts, and tasks services.

Teams, allow you to access, share, and edit Word docs, PowerPoint, and Excel files in real-time.

While researching the information for this blog post I signed-up for this suite of office software and I will be using it to interact with my colleagues.

If you have any questions or comments about this post please send me an email at