Side Gigs Offer Opportunities to Teachers Whether Supplementing Income or Pursuing a Passion

This article is written by a guest blogger Joyce Wilson of TeacherSpark.org. 

Side Gigs Offer Opportunities to Teachers Whether Supplementing Income or Pursuing a Passion

Are you looking for ways to add to your income without giving up your teaching career? Or, maybe you have a hobby you would like to further explore? Side gigs can be the answer! Need some ideas? Read on for some suggestions on side gigs and for a quick tip on how you can make bookkeeping easier for your business.

Starting an LLC Is As Easy as 1-2-3!

Putting together an LLC is a smart move for the up and coming sole proprietorship or startup. Not only do you gain corporate level protection, but you will also have the flexibility to choose the best tax adjustments to fit your situation. An LLC can be taxed as a sole proprietorship, s corp, c corp, and even a multi-owner partnership. The added flexibility means that an LLC is often the best route for small companies of 1 up to 100 people. The best part is, most LLC’s can be set up in about 5 steps.

Coach or Tutor

You already have expertise in sharing knowledge and helping people grow, so one suggestion is to turn that ability into a side hustle. For example, you can coach people with job hunting, offering advice on how to better interview or to capitalize on their experiences and talents. Or, perhaps you can focus on a subject you enjoy and help others polish it. Some experts note you can make more with advanced and specialized subjects; for instance, if you’re savvy with physics or calculus, you can bring in a tidy sum.  


Instead of working one-on-one with someone, working as a consultant allows you to provide expertise to a broader group of people. Consider your experience and specialized knowledge and look for how you can offer those abilities on a corporate scale.

Selling Crafts

Do you have a hobby doing something creative? Maybe it’s time to make money with it. Whether you love woodworking, making soaps from goat milk, or creating felted wool slippers, there is a market for it. 


Any homeowner can tell you there is always something breaking, so if you have a knack for putting things back together or making new installations, consider doing it as a side gig. It’s a lucrative option that made Time’s list of the highest paying side hustles.

Dog Walker

Do you love man’s best friend? Put that pleasure to work and get a little exercise while you’re at it. Some professionals suggest engaging through an online platform to help develop a customer base quickly, and as a bonus, some platforms provide liability insurance.

Rent a Room

Many people have an extra bedroom going to waste, or maybe you no longer need a home office thanks to electronic recordkeeping and smaller personal computers. Turn that spare room into a moneymaker! Offering it to paying guests is an easy way to pad your pockets.  

Personal Shopper

If selecting the best gifts and making smart spending choices is your thing, you could get paid to do the shopping for those who either hate doing it or are just too busy. It’s an opportunity to make money and engage in retail therapy!

Disc Jockey

If you’re great with a microphone and have a talent for putting together terrific music combinations, consider being a disc jockey. You can hit the wedding and party season full force while entertaining people and watching them have a great time!


Whether you can organize a schedule like nobody’s business, have a knack for numbers, or can throw together great graphic designs, Inc. notes that freelancing is a top option. There is a cornucopia of job boards and websites to help you find the perfect fit.


Do you love little ones or enjoy the wisdom of older folks? Becoming a nanny or caregiver could be a great match for your interests. According to Balance Careers, you can either fly solo or engage clients through a service.  


Whether you provide wheels for people’s morning commute or make deliveries of goods, driving can be a great side gig. You need a reliable vehicle and will do best if you know your way around the local area. It’s a great way to have your car earn its keep!  

Easy Bookkeeping

While working a side gig, it’s crucial that you manage your finances. Instead of buying expensive software or working with an accountant, you could consider using a free invoice app to help you manage your business finances, alleviating any bookkeeping headaches while keeping you abreast of sales, invoicing, inventory, and communication with customers.

Many side gigs are easy to get, offer great flexibility, and help you financially while feeding an interest or passion. You can take advantage of your off time and then maintaining your gig throughout the school year. Chances are you have skills and abilities you’ll not only enjoy using, but they will also help you to prosper!  

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