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The Future is Streaming Video Marketing

The Future is Streaming Video Marketing

The trends in online marketing have consistently shown growth in using promotional video for both B2C and B2B marketing. Approximately 90% of all information processed by our brains is visual. It is easier for consumers to digest and retain visual information rather than text material. Viewers claim they retain 95% of a message when obtained via video. (Social Media Week)

The most successful videos are those that are easy to understand and are direct to the point. Before creating a video determine who is your target demographic and what is your message. Videos that are generalized for multiple demographics are less effective.

Once you have a series of videos you can use them in a plethora of channels to be viewed by potential buyers. For starters you can place videos on your company’s landing page this gives customers and prospects a clearer reason to purchase your products or services. You can greet the viewer and introduce your organization establish confidence and explain why they should do business with you. Other videos can demonstrate your products, testimonials by satisfied customers, and promotional advertising. The biggest and most effective social media channels are YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik-Tok, and LinkedIn.

Small business owners have two options when implementing a marketing video strategy, they can hire an outside firm to produce the video which you can find online.

If you choose to create your own videos using the technology now available read my blog article Marketing Your Business With Video 02/15/2 < >. This posting will give you an overview of how to produce a video on your own. Prior to joining Keystone Business Brokers, I was a member of the business faculty at Penn State University where I taught marketing. Students taking the Advertising and Sales Promotion Management course were required to produce a promotional video for a local business in the Abington PA area. Below are examples of some of the projects that the students created. Remember these were not art or creative students, but marketing management students. With basic simple software tools, they were able to create these advertising videos and you can too.

Our Family Cafe. >

Attractive Properties.  < > 

Foster’s Plumbing, Heating & Cooling  < >

By 2022 it is estimated that 82% of all internet traffic will come from video streaming. Will you be ready?


If you’re a business blogger and you would like to contribute articles to appear on our site, please contact Dennis Hassis the Agent Manager Your name and website will appear on the post. We look forward to hearing from you.

   Website Developers: Accularis Marketing Solutions        856-793-9440

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Researching Your Competitive Marketplace to Gain Advantage By Using Porter’s 5 Forces

Researching Your Competitive Marketplace to Gain Advantage

By Using Porter’s 5 Forces

The small business arena has been in flux for well over a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Huge shortages of products during the early stages and the reluctance of consumers to go out in public.  Many resilient entrepreneurs during the pandemic have become creative in offering deliveries, outside dining, and revamping their inventories.  In this new streamlined economy, small businesses must keep adapting to the changes that are inevitably coming.

A great analyzing tool is “Porter’s 5 Forces” which is a model developed by Michael Porter of the Harvard School of Business.  It looks at five competitive market elements of your business allowing you to fine-tune operational strategies.  

When developing your strategy using these five strategies conceived by Professor Porter the small business owner can develop a superior competitive strategy. 

 Porter’s 5 Forces

Suppliers Bargaining PowerThe characteristics of your supply chain are a big factor in the amount of control that the suppliers have over buyers.  The fewer suppliers the greater control they have over the pricing and distribution of products.  When many suppliers are offering the same type of products and costs for changing to a competing supplier are low, a company can increase its profits by switching vendors.

Buyers Bargaining Power

When buyers’ Bargaining power is high they have numerous buying options. If there are choices limited they have limited power.  When a competitor can supply a product that is identical or a substitute for an existing one at a lower price the buyer has a choice. 

Substitute Threats

During the current pandemic, the supply chain was unable to keep up with demand.  As we all remember many products were not available and substitutions became a standard practice.  Some of those substitutions proved to be better than the ones we were used to purchasing.  

Industry Competitors Rivalry

If a product is generic and there are many competitors in the marketplace each supplier has to determine what makes their product appeal to customers.  Knowing what customer base you are targeting will give you an edge. Quality, low price, distribution method, and services offered are factors to consider.  When competing with a large corporation that has a competitive advantage a small company should offer boutique products that the larger firms are ignoring.  An example is the proliferation of craft breweries.

New Entrants Threat

Barriers to entering a new venture can be high or low depending on the type of organizations are currently holding the dominant market shares. Porter states that economies of scale are an advantage to large enterprises due to their ability to produce on a large scale reducing the cost per unit.

Capital requirements are a factor in the new entry of competitors entering the marketplace.  Production of custom products on a small scale using new technology such as 3D printers creates a niche for small producers.  They can advertise through social media and distribute through online vendors.  There is usually little threat of retaliation by large producers since these are low production items. 

If businesses periodically review Porter’s 5 forces and adjusting their strategies to the changing economic conditions, they will have a competitive advantage over their rivals.


Porter, Michael E. “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy.” Special Issue on HBS Centennial. Harvard Business Review 86, no. 1 (January 2008): 78–93.

Website Developers: Accularis Marketing Solutions               856-793-9440

Keystone Business Brokers


Delicatessen for Sale. $475,000

Great Location, Burlington County, South Jersey


This well-known and very popular deli is well situated in a large shopping center with volumes of parking and great visibility. It is located in a wonderful community on a highly traveled connecting road. The business has been established over 30 years and has an excellent reputation. The deli is very successful and profitable. The owner said its time to move on. This is an opportunity for an aggressive owner operator. For more information please contact Dennis Hassis at 609-876-6565 or



The Democratization of Advertising

Photo by Tracy Le Blank, Pexels

The Democratization of Advertising

Advertising has been with us since ancient times. The advertisers posted their messages on walls and printed pieces of papyrus which were handouts. Examples of this can be viewed at Pompeii the city in Southern Italy destroyed by the explosion of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD.

In the middle ages signage with drawings was used to identify small businesses. The invention of the printing press was a leap forward for commercial advertising. Promotional marketing evolved into other forms of media such as broadcasting, billboards, high-volume print ads with large circulation periodicals which were all very expensive and not suited for small businesses.

In today’s marketplace technology has been the stimulant for entrepreneurs to bypass expensive ad agencies and national media. Now the independent business-person can create their local advertising on various platforms. The available platforms have made it relatively easy for start-ups, small and mid-level businesses to advertise.

SCORE recommends the following platforms.

In my previous article, I covered LinkedIn and Twitter which I recommended for B2B (business-to-business) marketers.


Unlike LinkedIn which is primarily a B2B marketing site, Facebook’s audience is the consumer. Once you establish your presence on this platform you will need to create a following. Posting display ads, offering limited-time discounts, and featuring new products will draw customers.


Videos are one of the best mediums to get your message to your customers. Both individuals and business buyers view videos. Most people prefer to watch an informative video rather than reading text.


This is a photo-sharing site that appeals to a younger audience. You can create visual stories about your business, products, and services you offer.

Pick one platform that works well for your business before trying others. Develop a strategy, follow it through, and track results.  Most of the sites offer tools to help you streamline your site.

Website Creation by ACCULARIS < >


A Streamlined B2B Advertising Strategy for Small Business

A Streamlined B2B Advertising Strategy for Small Business

The average entrepreneur is knowledgeable about their specific services and products that they offer for sale. They are usually out of their area of expertise when it comes to promoting their businesses. This article limits using the many types of advertising media and focusing on the three most productive.

The first step in creating an effective marketing strategy is building a company website. This site should describe your company’s location, the product line, and the benefits offered to the client. If you’re not skilled with websites you can hire a consulting firm to set up your site.

When the website is operational the next step is to establish a presence on social media. Social media is a vehicle to create awareness of your brand, and bring prospects to your website. Once a prospect views your site and learns about your company and its offerings you have a potential customer.

The internet offers a plethora of social media platforms, but be selective, and concentrate on just a few. For the B2B marketplace, I recommend the following three promotional tactics LinkedIn, Twitter, and Direct-Mail.

1. LinkedIn < >

LinkedIn is without a doubt the best platform for small businesses to connect with other businesses both large and small. This provider offers you the ability to direct your message to the targeted geographic location, industry, and demographic.

2.Twitter < >

Once you develop a following on LinkedIn you can create a list on Twitter and develop relationships with prospective customers. Twitter allows you to make frequent short announcements about new promotions and updates to your brand.

3. Direct Mail < >

Similar to Twitter this medium also gives the sender the ability to communicate directly with customers and prospects, but direct mail allows the sender to transmit more detailed promotional material. This would include eye-catching color graphics, special offers, and more product information.

This article is a brief outline of a lean strategy that most small businesses can pursue. For more details click on the website links in this article.

Website Creation by ACCULARIS < >


Company Blogs as a Public Relations Tool

Company Blogs as a Public Relations Tool

Unlike other forms of public relations and sales, promotion blogging allows a company’s website an opportunity to have a dialogue with their customers, suppliers, and their employees. Blogs as a medium of communication can introduce new products, services, address rumors, and share news.

The benefits of the comments section allow your readers to give you input. There are positive comments and constructive criticism which are both helpful in developing your style of writing. Unfortunately, there are the trolls who will be deprecating, insulting and vulgar, ignore them.

Before you start a blog ask yourself what is the purpose of your blog and what information are you trying to convey to your readers. A year ago, I took on the duties of writing blog articles for Keystone Business brokers. Originally, I was focused on news articles dealing with how small businesses are dealing with the Covid-19 crises. My primary emphasis was curating news that I’d read and seen on TV. Unfortunately, I received very few comments.

Before my current job I was a marketing and entrepreneurship professor for a major university from where I retired. I decided to post a series of articles about the “4 P’s of Marketing.” To my amazement, there were hundreds of comments posted to our site. This was when I found my voice on the blogosphere. Since then the articles that I’ve written have been focused on educating my readers about marketing and small business management. Unlike teaching business theory to college students my blog posts are focused on the practical application of strategies and tactics.

One of the comments that have guided me on my journey of writing was to keep my posts short (300 to 400 words). Some readers have commented they wished that I would give more information on the topics. My compromise has been to give an overview of the topic and add website addresses for more detailed information.

SCORE Website: 10 Reasons to Keep an Active Business Blog 

US Department of the Interior / Digital Media Guide 

How to Start a WordPress Blog

In closing, write what you know and share your knowledge with your readers. Provide information your followers can use, give them a reason to follow you.


Sponsorship an Effective Public Relations Strategy

Recently, my colleague Dennis, and I stopped at a coffee and donut shop to discuss business strategy. During that visit, I noticed that the display which included photos, trophies, and memorabilia of a little league that they sponsored was no longer there. The back of the establishment that was a TV lounge with pillowed chairs was closed off, obviously due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Those of us that frequented the establishment were impressed by the owner’s support of youth sports. Sports events are the most popular by far at an estimated 69% of sponsorship.

As the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania start to relax restrictions in the coming months, sponsorship is a PR strategy that enhances the reputation of a business within its community. Sponsorship is one of the fastest-growing forms of marketing promotions.  Causes require a for-profit business to partner with a non-profit organization. This strategy includes contributing a portion of the sales to the non-profit.  The attendees of the event are informed that a set percentage of sales will be donated and a deadline given for the purchase. Sponsoring events to improve the stature of a company by being linked to a worthy cause, and resulting in increased sales and profits.

Another advantage of sponsorship is that it is a cost-effective way of reaching your targeted customers. With traditional advertising, you are paying the media to promote your products to a mass audience of consumers that have no interest, this is referred to as the shotgun approach. Sponsorship allows you to target the customers that you are trying to reach.

Courting local media gives the non-profit and your company coverage that is free advertising with much more credibility than paid promotions.

A hypothetical example is a sporting goods company specializing in tennis equipment, sponsoring a tennis tournament, supplying equipment to top players for endorsements, and donating a percentage of sales to the charity fundraiser. This is a WIN-WIN for all parties involved.


Weigold M, and Arens W. (2015) ADVERTISING, 3e.   Dubuque:  McGraw Hill 


Public Relations for Small Business

This blog post is from my lecture notes based on the textbook ADVERTISING 3e, by Arens & Weigold with a little help from Wikipedia.

Public Relations for Small Business

The role of public relations is to foster goodwill in the community and gaining public approval for your organization. The long-term goal of PR is to manage the reputation of the company.

Different PR tactics can be implemented by entrepreneurs to gain acceptance by the community they serve.

Press release, information issued to print and broadcast outlets.

Press kit, a package of publicity materials informing the press at staged events.

Website, containing information about the organization. Company blog to facilitate relationships with their consumers and other publics.

Publicity, the generation of news about a person, product, or service that appears in the media.

Community involvement, a local activity sponsoring or participating in an event.

Public speaking, giving speeches to local organizations, at events, meetings, and conferences. It is a very powerful way of presenting your operation and what you represent.

In future articles, we will discuss how to use these tactics, but in this post, free releases and the press kit will be covered.

The press release (or news release) is the most widely used PR tool, consisting of information issued to generate or shed light on a subject of interest. Topics may include the announcement of a product launch, new store opening, or community involvement by the firm.

A press kit (or media kit) is an excellent tool to announce the information for your press release. Traditionally the press kit was a folder that enabled the business person to present printed information, photos, contact information, and collateral information. Today, the press kit is digital using a flash drive, CD, DVD, and video.

There are many sites offering information on how to create a press kit, but I recommend you look at

Canva Media kit templates

Create stunning media kits with the help of our free media kit templates that you can customize and download. Highlight your brand and services and get people to partner with you.


Grow Your Customer Base With CRM Software

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps business owners to better serve their customers by analyzing acquired data. This software is very effective in examining information for marketing, sales, and customer service. CRM is a valuable tool for business people to better understand their consumers’ needs and wants.

For those entrepreneurs that are in business-to-business (B2B) sales CRM aids in forging a partnership with customers. Those organizations in the business-to-consumer (B2C) such as retailers, service providers, and restauranteurs will develop a bond with consumers increasing repeat sales.

Marketers can create more fruitful campaigns to convert prospects into customers and increase sales volume with existing customers. Promotional media can be directed at the targeted clientele. Using email, digital advertising media, and telemarketing to reach your customer base.

The sales database can be accessed from a mobile device when visiting customers giving the seller an in-depth look at the account’s history. An example is a landscaper visiting a client who will know which services and products were purchased in the past allowing them to trade up and recommend additional services.

Customers service software has been concentrated on social media enabling sellers to communicate with their customer base. This is a tool enabling the purchaser to express their endorsements of a job well done and complaints that can be resolved ASAP.

Take control of your company’s growth and invest in CRM software.

Below is a list of the best 10 CRMs poster online by:

For more in-depth information visit the website.

The 10 Best CRMs List

Here’s the list of the top CRM software for small businesses. More details below:

  • – Best CRM software for flexibility and ability to scale
  • ClickUp – Best CRM free plan for small businesses
  • Kintone – Best CRM software for managing change
  • Daylite – Best small business CRM for Mac operating systems
  • Salesmate CRM – Best CRM sales software for small businesses
  • Really Simple Systems – Best CRM software for small B2B businesses
  • Method CRM – Best CRM software for integration with QuickBooks
  • EngageBay – Best CRM software for startups and growing businesses
  • Zoho CRM – Best CRM software for user onboarding and usability
  • Keap CRM – Best CRM software for small businesses who want built-in marketing tools

Marketing Your Business With Video

Marketing Your Business With Video

The current trend in small business marketing communications is video. I’m sure that most of us can agree that we enjoy watching videos on our computers. We view videos for entertainment, learning new skills, and research. YouTube and Vimeo offer a plethora of videos about many topics. An example is my recently canceling my gym membership and watching TRX exercise videos to make sure I’m using proper form with my at-home exercises.

If you have a website you can place your video on your landing page explaining what you do and the benefits that you can provide to your customers. There are many platforms available for businesses to highlight their videos and create brand awareness. Social networks are ideal platforms for communicating and engaging prospective buyers. Get your customers’ attention by emailing a short video or a link.

There are different levels of production, the first being the advertising agency. These agencies will give you the most sophisticated and polished product with excellent results, but there is a high cost.

Some companies will produce a promotional video for under $2,000. Most of these companies are staffed by videographers, not Don Draper’s (Mad Men), who will need your guidance and input.

The easiest and most cost-efficient method is to use software that is available online. The cost of producing a video has become negligible, and the technology ranges from moderate to very easy depending on the software. The easiest way to create a marketing video is to use a template format that uses photos to tell your story and a VoiceOver.

One of the simplest editing tools to use is Animoto < >. Animoto will walk you through the production process starting with a storyboard template where you can create your big idea. You can upload your photos and video clips or select from their stock library. Edit the video and customize it to fit your organization’s identity. Viola, you have produced your video and are ready for distribution.

In my previous career, I taught marketing at a major university. One of the courses that I taught was Advertising. I am a firm believer in hands-on learning and my students were required to produce a promotional video for a local small business as their final project. I created an 88-page project manual to guide them through the process. If you would like a pdf copy of this manual send your request to


Identifying Unique Business Opportunities

Identifying Unique Business Opportunities

Successful entrepreneurs have a special talent for identifying unique business opportunities. They can identify market trends and navigate their resources to capitalize on these market transformations. When a gap or problem is identified a business owner should seek a solution, such as a product or service to fill this void.

All market indications are that this pandemic will be with us for many months, possibly another year. Some of the results of the changes we are experiencing will be permanent. Many companies will be downsizing their organizations. Employees will continue to work from home saving companies huge sums of money in office rentals. Commercial property owners in downtown city locations will have to reinvent their business model. They will have to convert their offices to other uses or perish. Recently, I heard about a motel that transfigured its rooms into mini-office suites. This is an example of a motel owner taking advantage of the market change to fill his empty rooms to long term leases.

If you’re in a business that has been affected by the current economic downturn try brainstorming with your partners and employees and discover an opportunity that can be beneficial to your operation. Use social media to get the pulse of your customers’ wants and needs. There is a wealth of information on the web, trade publications, and industry reports if you search and analyze your findings.

Once you have found a target opportunity the next step is to formulate a marketing strategy. When developing your strategy analyze financial startup costs, target market size, and market potential.

The best way that I’ve found developing a marketing plan is to purchase MP software that is available online.

If you have any ideas or comments, please contact our manager.

Dennis Hassis, Agent Manager